Booking Information
To book an event, please complete the relevant booking slip/s. and send by post with a cheque to the appropriate Event Co-ordinator. Please send separate cheques if you are booking more than one event at the same time
(Alternatively, if you wish to pay by bank transfer, please e-mail the Event Co-ordinator with your name and telephone number. The Event Co-ordinator will email you to indicate if places are available, together with details of the transfer required)
Bookings will be acknowledged and directions supplied
This will be done by e-mail.
If you prefer to receive your booking confirmation and directions by post, please include a stamped, self-addressed envelope.
Early bookings welcome
Many events are limited by the size of venue or garden.
To ensure a place, please book early.
We cannot guarantee a place - even if you apply before the closing date.
For late applications, please contact the Event Co-ordinator to check if there are any vacancies.
Refunds for cancellations will not normally be given after the closing date