Join Us

Members can choose how they want to participate, depending on the time they have available. We have
Download our Membership Application Form via the link below:
Membership Application form
Your Personal Information and What We Do With It
EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) 25.05.2018
Click on the link below to read the Cheshire Gardens Trust Privacy Notice
CGT Privacy Notice
- Guided visits to parks and gardens, including ones not generally open to the public
- Guided walks around designed landscapes
- Talks by people who know a great deal about design, garden history, plants and the way they have been used in gardens and in art
- There is a quarterly newsletter
- Groups for people with particular interests - such as planning events; researching parks and gardens, including ones that have been lost; helping safeguard the ones we still have; special projects, like creating show gardens or working on the Caldwell Project.
Download our Membership Application Form via the link below:
Membership Application form
Your Personal Information and What We Do With It
EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) 25.05.2018
Click on the link below to read the Cheshire Gardens Trust Privacy Notice
CGT Privacy Notice