Laskey Farm Garden, Thelwall in August 2017

Forty-two of us gathered at Laskey Farm Gardens (originally a working farm owned by the Platt family) on a slightly overcast August evening. But the rain held off and we had a lovely visit courtesy of Wendy and Howard Platt, owners of the gardens since 1996. They gave us an introduction to the development of the business and the gardens and then showed us round.
Howard’s speciality is the ponds, with wildlife, terrapins and fish and he entertained us by feeding hotdogs to the terrapins. The main water garden consists of five interconnected ponds: terrapin pond, wildlife pond, courtyard pond and main swimming pool shared with several varieties of fish. 
Wendy’s passion is the 1.5 acre garden which she has developed since 2014, with partner Christine Purslow, following horticultural and design courses at Reaseheath College. Beautifully designed, with late summer colour in the perennial borders, roses and grasses, as well as interesting shrubs and trees, vegetable and fruit cages, a parterre and a greenhouse with a small collection of pelargoniums and tropical plants.
And then there was the convivial tea, with cakes made by Wendy herself. A lovely visit all round.
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